Saturday, April 29, 2006

kayaking and life

I see life as kayaking in the white water river. If you want to run your kayak in the river without falling or without losing your kayak, you need to focus on where you want to take your kayak. One of the basic and fundamental requirement of kayaking is that you have to look where you want to go. If you want to go across the river and you want to take eddie out and take rest in still water then you have to look towards it and use the strokes accordingly. The river draft will try to carry you along with it but if you just paddle hard and smartly with proper techniques you will reach where you focused. Similarly, in life if we become courageous and look beyond the present and focus ahead we can take our boat where we want otherwise our kayaks will be running down the river. Isn't it interesting?

Friday, April 28, 2006

MATLAB central file exchange

If you want to share your MATLAB file to wide audience use MATLAB central file exchange.

Blogging in business world

Here is an interesting article about blogging in business world. Do u know that every second there is a new blog on the internet? People are becoming celebrity by writing on blogs. Now the world has become flat as written in the book "World is flat". Playfield is leveled now. As the article suggested blogs are a like a big coffee table where a technocrat is sitting with a villager from south India. A japanese is blogging on a south korean political situation. It is all global. Very interesting !!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

My friends from Roorkee

I came to know about blogs Rupak Rathore and Nitin Goyal. They are my friends from good old days of Roorkee. It is fun to get connected with old friends.


How to research a stock

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and repetitive stress disorders (RSD)

CTS and RSD are now common diseases. We work more than 12 hrs on the laptops and computers. Our body is not made to just sit in one posture and work for long time. We need to take break and stretch. Here is website which shows yoga excercises which are good to release your tension and prevent these diseases.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Yummy Italian pastries

Have you tasted yummy italian pastries in CT area? Do not miss it. I came to know about best pastry shop in Hartford. The address is given below:

Mozzicato DePasquale's Bakery & Pastry Shop
329 Franklin Ave
Hartford, CT-06114
Phone: 296-0426

Best seats in Jorgensen Center, UConn

Many times we got bad seats. We were not able to watch the shows peacefully. We had to move our neck every minute or sit tilted so that we could see. This time, I figured the best seats. If you take any seat in A, C, E, G, I center. All the seats will be good. Because these rows are just after stairs so the next row in front of you is quite below. I think best row is A bec. there is wide gap between the next row and A. I donot know about the 2 nd floor seats bec. we never sat there.


Saturday, April 08, 2006

My pic

You and your research by Dr. Richard Hamming

Few days back, I read an interesting article by Dr. R. Hamming. If you have taken any signal processing course then you must have studied about "Hamming windows". He gave a very interesting talk "You and your resarch" in Bell labs on March 7, 1986.

I liked his talk. Basically he says that how to be a good scientist. He does not give you tips. He explains his experience and tells what he noticed in great scientists.

It is a must read article for any PhD student. According to his article, one should first know the top 10 problems in his field. Then, you pick up one of them and try to understand the problem. See what people are proposing as solutions. Science is cumulative, so you need to build on the top of whatever is already proposed by others. Suggest something which adds on the existing framework.

I will share more ideas from his talk in my next blog.